“Don’t do this to me,” said Lord Byron Basalta-Marx (otherwise known as Lord B) to his favorite niece, “These missions are meant only for the obstinate, not my own family.”

Vega Ironstar wasn’t swayed. She did all her research and still decided that this new path was right for her, her uncle’s requests be darned.

It was simple to step into the new world. “Ooh, I can smell the swamp gas already!” said Vega, her voice trailing off as she found herself in a new world.

Lord B was distraught, but there was little he could do after that. Perhaps she was thoroughly warned about the implications of embarking on such a journey. After all, it was B’s job to assign his subordinates on such missions, though he never did it with good intents, and he made that known to his family. Still, how could his niece do such a thing with gleeful stride?

Was it Elsa, one of the watchers? She was at least as malevolent as B with those missions, but she had a way of making anything sound appealing by way of clever omissions. “Yes, the little devil’s going to Appaloosa Plains to live forever” had a nice ring to it without the mentions of the fate of the failed.

Was it the long days in the official archives of The Void? Maybe the books about art scenes in Simnation and the exploits of former dynasties got to her head in the wrong way; inspiration as opposed to fear.

For once, he hoped that someone on the mission didn’t fail.

Vega was off to Twinbrook to start an immortal dynasty. Her parents were in tears, her friends were wrought with anger, and her uncle was too conflicted to want to do anything after she was gone.

As for Vega, she had her own worries, but she was in Twinbrook and ready to do a dynasty off-the-grid, whether she regretted it or not.

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